

Dr. Matthias Schneebeli: "Agility is not a method, it is a mindset".
Dr. Matthias Schneebeli: "Agility is not a method, it is a mindset".

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This Tuesday, February 27th, 2018, our early-bird event DISRUPTIVE MORNING took place for the third time. Dr. Matthias Schneebeli, CTO DECTRIS Ltd., co-host of the event, talked about agility and how it drove the company to its success.

An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. A good saying that brought to life the idea of DISRUPTIVE MORNING. For the third time, about a dozen project leaders and R&D executives reserved one hour to discuss relevant topics on technology and innovation. This morning, DECTRIS, leading developer and producer of X-ray detectors for scientific and industrial use, shared their experience with the agile approach.

"Agility is not a method, it is a mindset". This was the message that Dr. Matthias Schneebeli, CTO DECTRIS, left us with. In his presentation, Dr. Schneebeli explained the necessity of agile thinking. Not only does it include flexible development processes aiming at achieving first results or employees' freedom to explore their ideas, but also the courage to say "no" to some projects. During the lively discussion, the participants also shared their views on agile development and the way their companies implement it. One of the biggest challenges turned out to be the canalization of companies' efforts in implementing agile methods.

To conclude this productive morning, all the guests were invited to a small tour around DECTRIS' house, where some of the aspects of DECTRIS' detectors were presented. These detectors are designed to determine deep molecular structures with an increasingly high level of precision and are the best available on the market. Thereafter, everybody started their working day, hopefully with some fresh and new ideas on agility.